Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A change in perspective

Hebrews 12:5
"My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by Him; for those whom the Lord loves, He disciplines, and he scourges every son whom He receives."

I've been disciplining my kids a LOT lately. When I say a lot, I mean I haven't done much of ANYTHING else. My house can attest to that fact. Elijah is going through a stage where he is dead set on arguing against everything you say. Noah is having a difficult time sharing, and Olivia just has sensory issues a lot. Parenting these three very small children all at once has been quite overwhelming.The last few weeks have been particularily challenging for me to maintain consistency while not losing my cool. Truthfully, I haven't always been wonderful at keeping composed. I have been praying that God gives me the ability to parent fairly, and compassionately, even in the times I don't want to.

This morning, God gave me this verse. And it really made me think. Why do I discipline my kids? I do it because I love them. I want them to grow up with a healthy understanding of boundaries, I want to push them to achieve goals they whine and tell me they can't do. It is because I want these things for them, that I discipline them. It made me think about God's discipline in my life. How many times does he have to teach me the same lesson over and over again? I am fairly certain in the last 2 weeks, He's had to teach me patience consistently. Sometimes I'm compliant and I do what I'm told. Other times I stomp my feet, adamately say "No, I don't WANT to!" and roll around on the floor kicking and screaming. He simply says, "Time out!" and there I am, sitting in my room, staring at the walls, with nothing to do but think about changing my attitude and learning the lesson I was put in time out to learn. Why does He do it? Because He loves me. Plain and simple. When it really comes down to it, I am a 2-year-old struggling to surrender my life, what I want, what I think is best for me. And He so lovingly gives me consistency and a firm hand to set me on the right path.

It really changes your perspective when you're breaking up a wrestling match, kissing a boo-boo, or filling a sippy cup.

1 comment:

Sarah May said...

I know it is so hard to not question God... wondering why He has so much faith in us... my Mom tells me "you should take it as a compliment. God knows you can handle this." ... I am not sure if it is helpful... it is nice to hear, but sometimes it is also just as helpful to have someone to say "dude that sucks".

Being a Mommy is hard... it is a learning game. I find God using my Children to teach me things... it is a very humbling experience.

Learning patience is something that God has tried to teach me my whole life... I have found myself whining out loud... it is embarrassing. It makes me think of my kids when they are whining... and then thinking of the look I give them and wondering if God is giving me the same look.

Gosh I just love your blogs! Thank you for sharing!