Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Christmas I won't forget

They say as time continues, you begin to forget the little things your kids said and did. You hold onto a few glimmering gems, but the rest get lost or forgotten along the great span of childhood. I don't want to forget these moments, or what each one of you did and said this Christmas. It was loud, and full of fighting, and crying and mayhem.But it was also full of heartwarming moments, snuggles and giggles. And as long as I live, I never want to forget your tiny words, or hugs, or faith. With that being said, these are the highlights of Christmas 2011; A Christmas I will never forget.

Olivia, you were 13 months old and teething. You spent the week leading up to Christmas in a constant state of screaming. Your daddy stayed up with you and rocked you while you had a horrible fever. You snuggled with him like I've never seen a baby snuggle with him. On Christmas eve you said, "Hi Noah" and cuddled with him and you fell asleep in the car on the way home. Christmas morning you were extremely put out that we woke you up at 8am. You complained for at least half an hour until all the wrapping paper was just too tempting not to smile at and play with. And while we all were unwrapping our presents, and not paying attention to you, you crawled for the first time to grab your present. And I got it all on film!

Noah, you were 2 1/2 this holiday season and were so much more alert and active this year. At first, you continually asked me if it was going to be "Haoween" because you rather enjoyed your Halloween. When I told you no it was Christmas, you seemed pretty annoyed. But you so thoroughly enjoyed putting the Christmas tree up, taking such care in putting every delicate ornament in just the right spot. Everytime we stepped foot outside at night you would say, "Wook mama! Misses wights! I see misses wights mama!!" and you would talk for hours about "San Cwaz" and how he said "ho ho ho." Your brother taught you how to sing Jingle Bells this year and you took it in full force making it a round song. Your rendition sounded more like "Tinker Bell, Tinker Bell, Tink awe da wayyyyy! Oh.........HEY!" When we took you to the Christmas Eve service you loved to dance to all the music, and look at all the decorations. Then we sang Oh Holy Night "The stars are brightly shining" and you said "Where mama? I no see no staws."But your favorite part of the holiday season was singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. You loved throwing a birthday party for him, and when I tucked you in on Christmas Eve you prayed to Jesus and thanked him for having a "bewfday".

Elijah, this year you really started to understand the meaning of Christmas. You liked watching movies that had Santa Claus and Rudolph and you talked about them coming to your house. But this year you learned all about the real meaning of Christmas. You understood it so well, that you could tell the story yourself, and often would. Elijah you learned a million Christmas songs this year. Your little brain was like a sponge, it was amazing. You had such personality at your school Christmas performance, where they put you in the front row. At the Christmas Eve service you sang to every song, even the ones you didn't know. On Christmas morning you woke up at 7:30 and tiptoed into our room. You said "Wake up mama! It's Christmas morning! And santa claus brought us presents." I can't tell you what an incredible sound it is to be awoken in that way. To remember what it's like to feel that excitement. When your father and I took our time getting up you politely said "It's really early Mama. You go back to sleep and I'll play quietly in my room." Oh, what a sweet heart! That morning you immediately ran to the window because you were convinced that on Christmas morning it always snows. I was so sorry to dissapoint you and tell you that we lived in Northern california where it seldom snows. You loved your doctor costume this year and you looked so grown up with it on. That evening, when all the presents were unwrapped and put away, and all the food was eaten, you prayed with your daddy in your room. And you asked Jesus if he would make it snow for you. I almost cried thinking about the faith you had and how much you really understood. I prayed too, that God would give my Elijah boy some snow so that we could tell him that God answered his prayers.

This holiday season meant so much to me. We live in this tiny little house, it's chaotic and often messy and definitely loud. But it was the most amazing, memorable, cozy little home. Next year, you will be a year older and you may not say or do the things you did this year. I don't ever want to forget these precious Christmas memories or the warmth in my heart as I think on each one. My love to all of you my babies.

1 comment:

imaya said...

Ah, I love this post. Where is the film of Miss Olivia making her mobile debut! So exciting!