Wednesday, July 27, 2011

To plus or not to plus

If you know me at all, you know I buck against change, particularily electronic change. When DVD's came out, I was skeptical that anything could be better than VHS. In fact, I almost had to be hogtied to the chair to actually WATCH a DVD. Then came laptops in college, when I thought the clickity clack of typing during a lecture was beyond annoying. (Now I'm wondering how much better in college I might have been had I gotten over that). Then came the Blu-Ray player - which I STILL remain skeptical about, the Kindle, that took me forever to even understand the point of. And, ofcourse, the iphone, which I broke down and bought last month.

I'm not what you would say technologically advanced. I can recall in 2005 when this handy dandy thing called MYSPACE came out. I had no idea how to even upload my picture let alone deal with the mass confusion of html. But being 3000 miles away from anyone that was familiar to me, I was desperate to connect. And thus began my journey into the world of social networking. Myspace was where I learned to blog, where I found out about new and interesting bands, and where I reconnected with a lot of old friends I thought were lost forever. So when people started slowly switching to facebook, I being my old-fashioned self, adamately was against doing it. But after a few months, I felt like the last kid on bus. I was blogging, but who was reading? I was updating my status, but no one noticed. Finally, I reluctantly moved to facebook.

Ofcourse, facebook wasn't without it's share of annoyances. I could no longer post music, video posts were limited, and they constantly changed their formats which really made me mad. Fast forward to 2 weeks ago when I got an invitation to join google + a "new" social networking site. I didn't think anything of it, until I saw all of the cool features it had. So I, Erin- I -hate- new- technology Warkentin, decided to be on "the cutting edge" and joined. I have to say, I love the new features, and even though there are still a limited amount of people I know on it, I feel like I am somehow a part of something big. Or at least, something that WILL be big. And by then, I will know all the ins and outs of the system instead of being miserably behind. I am making my prediction now... Google + is going to be the next BIG trend in social networking. If nothing else, because I'm willing it to be so.

So stand back world and be amazed.


Dave said...

I suppose I could cut and paste my reply from Google+, but I'm not. You'll just have to go read it there :-)

JohnMichaelHinton said...

but by the time everyone else switches to google+ and you know all the ins and outs they'll switch the format :)

Rachel said...

Can you send me a invite? I'd like to try!! :) e-mail is

Thanks, Erin!

Sarah May said...

Is it really that awesome? I got an invite awhile ago but never got around to checking it out... I don't want there to be a newer and better social network... I like Facebook... mostly because it is where I keep all my pictures ya know