
Sunday, October 14, 2012

In His hands

Last year at this time, I had this strange and totally off-the-wall idea. Well I'd like to take the credit for the idea, but actually it was more like a whisper from the Holy Spirit, to write a book. It felt absolutely ridiculous and like a total pipe dream. But then I had to face the fact that God had given me crazier dreams than that and so, I made it my New Year's resolution to start writing it. I cannot tell you how many setbacks I had. There were so many times when I doubted myself, my abilities. I would think about how totally unqualified I was to write such a thing, and I would audibly shout the question, "Who would even READ this?". But still, my husband scooted me out the door and I would write. I hit some major setbacks this year and you would think that it would hinder me, or give me an excuse not to finish. But somehow, it just made me feel like I needed to write the book even more.

I began to research what it would take to publish such a book and stumbled upon hundreds of aspiring writers who hit dead ends. I spoke with a lot of published writers who told me the odds were slim of ever getting anything published. I began to see this book as maybe just a journal to God; something I had promised to complete but accepting the fact that it may never be read by another soul. It almost made me quit altogether, but I continued to write on my quiet mornings, or football-filled Sunday afternoons. I would seek out passages of scripture that went along with the book, and during one such research day, God gave me a verse for this book.

Revelation 21:5
"And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And He *said, "Write, for these words are faithful and true.""

And suddenly it hit me. The book that God had told me to write was all about a journey to healing a heart, about restoring relationship with God, and about making a new life in Him. I could not argue, I couldn't even audibly say a word. I had to only accept that those were the words of the Holy Spirit. And then I sat down, and finished my very rough draft of my book.

Now this road to publishing and editing and even getting someone to look at this book could be a very long one. It might be filled with some major obstacles. But if you've ever read my blog before, you will know that God is great at meeting obstacles. I have born witness to it several times.

So I am laying my fleece out. This is me saying, "Okay God, I have done my part. I have finished this book. It's not perfect, it needs work and may look different when it's through. But now is the part where it is your turn."

And truly, I know my God is faithful. This is simply just a record; something to look back on. Because I know, that sometime in the near future, I am going to say, "Wow, look at what God did. How he perfectly orchestrated this book."

This is God's book, not mine, and I am so excited to see how He proves faithful. Stay tuned.


  1. Ya Know, the guy who wrote the "Shack" couldn't find a publisher so some friends got together created a publishing company & promoted the book. So glad you wrote it & I am excited to see what happens!

  2. Godspeed a publisher!
    I'd love to read it... :)
