
About Me


This blog features my random thoughts, DIY craft projects, party planning, Disneyland and my wild adventures as a mom to my 3 amazing kids. But here is a little bit about who I am.

I am adamant about being authentic. What is the point of sharing your inner most thoughts if they aren't sincere?  Sometimes life is crazy, sometimes it's sad, other times it makes you want to get up and dance. I am committed to sharing it all with you, not just the good, but the bad and the ugly too. Because hey, that's life.

I'm committed to my kids. And because of that commitment, I tend to write about them and to them to document their progress and growth and our relationship.

I am a writer. I love to express my thoughts and opinions on things like movies and music in my life as a freelance writer. But I love sharing my life with you on this blog.

I am crafty. I love to try new things (and sometimes fail at them), and I love to create. It makes me happy, it keeps my head cool and it makes my house and my life more organized and pretty. 

I love Disneyland and sharing with you all that I have learned through my adventures. I guess you could say I'm a bit of a Disneyland Nerd.

I am passionate about children with disabilities  Because of this passion, I am determined to share with you the struggles emotionally and physically my kids and I go through but also the hope and the blessing that these little miracles can be in our lives and how much they can show us God's amazing love for us.

My life is a work of organized chaos that I do my best to chronicle. Hope you enjoy my thoughts, Erin thoughts.